It all began with two separate invites for Lindy and Justin to the Astros’ opening game in April 2019. Unbeknown to both, others had hatched a plan for them to meet. Completely unaware of the other’s presence at the game even though they sat close by, Lindy was told that a friend of a friend was sitting behind her and wanted to meet her. With no interest in starting to date, she was very reluctant.
Following the game, on the way back to The Woodlands, Lindy was told Justin and his friend would be joining them at her friends’ house. Justin, interestingly, was completely unaware of what was going on and had not seen Lindy at the game at all. On his way back to The Woodlands he was told they were stopping at a friend’s house for drinks.
Once Justin arrived, the two were introduced and had a nice conversation, although Justin was still unaware of why he was there, and Lindy was still under the impression Justin had come to meet her. The next few days were spent texting and talking leading to a happy hour together the following week. It was there that they discovered they had both been told different stories with the hope of setting up two people who were not quite ready to enter the dating world.
Very early on, it became evident they shared the same faith and had similar core values, passions and interests. Over the years that followed, the relationship blossomed into a beautiful, loving and fun packed partnership.
Four years later as they continued to build their lives together with their five boys, Justin secretly began working with a jeweler designing an engagement ring. The two had already planned a 5-year anniversary trip to the Maldives and Dubai which was where Justin had secretly planned to propose. However, the ring came earlier than expected so he, with Lindy’s father’s blessing, surprised her with a proposal in their home in front of their Christmas tree. The anniversary/engagement trip followed which included a romantic, candlelit dinner on the beach of a private island in the Maldives to celebrate.
Their priority remains spending time with their five boys who immediately bonded and quickly became good friends as well as continuing to build a home where wonderful memories can be made. They love to travel, spend time with friends and are always planning their next adventure. Lindy and Justin also committed to supporting the communities in which TIPLER builds through the TIPLER Foundation which Lindy directs.
They are looking forward to welcoming close friends and family to the beautiful island of Eleuthera to celebrate their marriage.